Saturday, June 6, 2009

Posters and thoughts

I have always been drawn to the playfulness and flexibility of graphical way of expression.Being a graphic designer is so much fun! I regard it as my voice..a very robust and loud! I have always been a big fan of Andy Warhol. Though I did not get influenced by him. Rather his dynamic nature of designs and other works attracted me a lot! Since I love to design posters..I decided to put up some of them here.Have a look.Interestingly enough,each of these posters are created in different phases of influences by various artists and theoreticians during my growing up days as an art student!
They are painted in acrylic on board. During time I was working with this poster on the film 'Born Into Brothels',I was amazed by the style of Van Gogh.His use of impasto ,the riot of color and its expressionistic value literally drove me crazy!! I had to do something with that! So I started this one..I applied contrasting colors making them as much as unsettling ! The whole idea came from a painting of mine.What I did in this poster is to break the two images!
The other one on the left was created during a different phase! Sexuality and eroticism was always my interest as subjects. inspired by my professor and mentor Mr.Rebanto Goswami,I started going through a new form of tribal art which was unknown to me- Makonde art of East Africa.I was immediately enthralled by the motifs used in those painting.The crude forms are so abstract and 'modern' that I was blown away! It was very surprising that how
artists of so called civilised societies took so long to reach this level of abstraction where these people were romping around so effortlessly! It was at that time this design came to me as a scribble.The image here is actually the scanned scribble touched with Photoshop.The forms used here is mostly inspired by 'Makonde' motifs. The next one is pretty much a political poster made
during a very troubled
time.A very aggressive
government and revolting
farmers defying the murky
solution proposed by the people
in power! And we,the young artists
was in between troubled with questions,confusions piled up inside us! I wanted to express what I felt.

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